Dr. Gannage’s Christmas Wish List

Dr. Gannage’s Christmas Wish List

Last minute shoppers beware.  What I’m requesting under the tree is not attainable in the next 24 hours. This is a list for December 25th 2013…what I’d like to see implemented by Christmas of next year.  Forward thinking is a creative process. ...
Organic Food and Your Child

Organic Food and Your Child

Organic Food and Your Child Is organic food for kids really a ‘must’? If you’re still on the fence about buying organic for your children, perhaps this will help you decide. In a new report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, doctors clearly...
Keeping It Simple

Keeping It Simple

Keeping It Simple Emily Kennedy blogs about her first month at MIM, and some simple lessons to keep in mind going forward. I’m extremely grateful for the experiences I’ve had during my first month at Markham Integrative Medicine. I’ve learned a lot...