Events & Media

Appearances, Publications and Conferences

Speaking & Presentations

Dr. John Gannage speaking
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Advanced Applications in Medical Practice – Spring CME Hybrid Conference – Speaker: Advanced Applications in the Neurodiverse Patient

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Advanced Applications in Medical Practice – 15th International Conference – Spring 2024 – Speaker: Environmental factors including the impact of pesticides and metals on neurodevelopment & Diet interventions and cellular nutrition for ASD


Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) – Niagara Falls, October 27 to 28, 2023 – Speaker

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Orthomolecular Medicine Conference for ISOM; Sao Paolo Brazil – June 1-3, 2023 – Lecture on Mast Cell Instability

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Mast Cell Instability: Why It Matters: Educational Program Launched at 50th Annual OMT Conference, May 2021

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Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health program with CME @ Sea, July 2017

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OAND and CCNM’s Collaborative Care Panel Discussion Series on Family Medicine, 2016



MAPS Fall 2024 Conference: Functional and Translational Medicine; Scottsdale AZ – September 5-7, 2024


Medical Academy Pediatric Special Needs ( conference; Charlotte NC – March 16-18, 2023 – attendee

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Integrative Health Symposium; NYC – February 23-25, 2023 – attendee

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Advanced IV Nutritional Therapies Conference, Nashville, TN, October 28-29, 2022

Awards & Recognitions

Dr. Rogers Prize Colloquium Vancouver 2013

Dr. Gannage presented the “Mind-Body Continuum from a Nutrition Perspective” at the Dr. Rogers Prize Colloquium Vancouver 2013, attended by health providers and local residents.

The Dr. Rogers Prize is awarded every 2 years to celebrate the achievements of researchers, practitioners, and others in the field of complementary and alternative (CAM) health care. It is the largest prize of its kind in North America.

Dr. John Gannage is a medical doctor practicing in Ontario. His conventional medical training and experience allows him to provide expert trusted health advice. His pioneering work as an integrative medical practitioner gives him the ability to blend conventional medicine with the ever growing consumer interest in natural products, and complementary therapies.


Canadian Society for Orthomolecular Medicine and MINDFUL Co-Sponsor Dr. Gannage’s “Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health”

On June 7, 2014, Dr. John Gannage, MD, CCFP, reviewed the current evidence and present clinical applications of integrative medicine for children’s mental health. More than half of his practice consists of working with developmentally delayed children and their families, recommending therapeutic diet plans, customized nutrient support, management of environmental exposures and support for immune and digestive systems.  His clinical expertise and research findings were on display in a program targeting health practitioners, approved by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for 7.5 CME study credits, as well as accredited for Naturopathic Doctors.

Heading West! – Taking “Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health” on the road!

A success in Toronto in June 2014, Dr. Gannage presents his accredited program to health practitioners, including Family Physicians and Naturopathic Doctors, in Calgary and Vancouver September 27 and 28.  This program is co-sponsored by Mindful and the Canadian Society of Orthomolecular Medicine (CSOM), and has been approved by  the College of Family Physicians of Canada for 7.5 CME study hours.


“GP Focused Practice” Designation

As of April 2015, Dr. Gannage’s application for the Focused Practice designation was approved by the Ministry of Health and the OMA, allowing him to provide consults under OHIP for standard medicine services without the patient’s primary care doctor always being penalized economically. This helps to solve the problem of providing Integrative Medicine services to patients that have a GP who is concerned about the economic impact of rostered patients seeking medical assistance in Dr. Gannage’s practice.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  this does not impact the fees paid for alternative medicine services, which are billed directly to the patient.  The Integrative medicine practice requires integrative billing, where OHIP pays for the basic standard medical component but nothing more.


Mind-alive! Exploring Natural Medicine for Mental Health

2015. GANNAGE WAS THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER for this public event in Vancouver on October 24, 2015.

He presented his lecture Creating Healthy Minds in Children: Nutritional and Environmental Factors.

Video excerpts of the 90 minute presentation are included here.


Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health

Dr. Gannage continues his dedication to changing the paradigm, by focussing on education of physicians and allied health professionals regarding nutrition and environmental factors in mental health, particularly children.  His pioneering work is reaching more health providers with each passing year.

His well-received CME program was again presented in 2015 both in Toronto and Vancouver, with a Calgary date set for January 30, 2016.  The message is clear – there is a gap in care, the need is high, the epidemic of mental health disorders is growing, prevention is critical, and management strategies can and should focus on understanding early brain development from a nutrition and toxin perspective.


Dr. Gannage To Speak At Integrative Medicine For Mental Health Conference

Dr. Gannage will be speaking on October 2nd at the 2016 IMMH conference in Washington, DC, on Environmental Medicine: The Role of Toxins in Children’s Mental Health.

IMMH is an international conference for practitioners exploring the treatment of autism spectrum disorders, depression, anxiety, OCD, and other mental health disorders using integrative medicine, and the roles that nutritional, biological, and environmental factors play in mental health.

Click here to learn more.


Integrative Healthcare Symposium 2016

Dr. Gannage is scheduled to speak on Neurodevelopment and the Gut-Brain Axis at the 2016 Integrative Healthcare Symposium in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

The Integrative Healthcare Symposium is an annual conference for integrative medicine practitioners as well as practitioners interested in learning more about complementary and alternative medicine. For more information on this event, click here.

Dr. Gannage will present current evidence and clinical applications of integrative medicine for neurodevelopmental conditions in relation to the gut-brain axis on Saturday, October 15th, 2016.


Dr. Gannage to be part of Collaborative Care Panel Discussion Series on Family Medicine


Dr. Gannage speaks as part of the OAND and CCNM’s Collaborative Care Panel Discussion Series on Family Medicine on October 27th, 2016

The panel aims to address the challenges that arise when MDs work collaboratively with NDs in the community, and discuss solutions for better collaborative patient care.


Dr. Gannage to Present “Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health” with CME @ Sea

This summer, Dr. Gannage presented his fully accredited Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health program aboard a cruise ship through the Mediterranean with CME @ Sea from July 31st- August 10th.

The event is open to MDs, NDs, and nutritionists, and is a great way to learn and earn CME credits, see Europe, and connect with other practitioners.

The journey starts in Barcelona and ends in Venice, with stops in Valencia, Rome, Florence, Croatia, and Montenegro. Your companion travels free!

Click here for more info including the full itinerary.


CME @ Sea: Reflections

This summer, Dr. Gannage gave 10 presentations to physicians aboard a cruise ship on the Mediterranean Sea. Over the course of 10 days, he presented his comprehensive program on Integrative Medicine for Children’s Mental Health to a group of conventional physicians. The doctors learned about and saw evidence for the many roles played by diet and nutrition, the gut, environmental factors, oxidative stress, methylation, and mitochondrial dysfunction in children’s mental health conditions, autism, ADD and ADHD, as well as in chronic disease and health as a whole.

Below are scenes and observations from the journey.

What the Cruise experience reminded me of is the extent to which some have a hard time accepting “new truths”. They may do so on their own time.  Or, they may never.

For physicians, many of whom have been indoctrinated into a certain mindset, acceptance depends not only on the strength of the argument or evidence, which the 10 Integrative Medicine presentations provided to a high degree.

It also is based upon whether highly skilled and educated individuals can remove filters and  break free into an open mind (and therefore hear the evidence to begin with), and recognize what their incomplete and perhaps flawed existing viewpoint is costing them, and their patients.   Can they question the paradigm and information that’s been rammed down their throats, or subtly/insidiously repeated, from various sources during the course of a career in medicine?   A few wouldn’t “listen”, simply couldn’t get to the point of listening.  Many were, thankfully.

Much of the informal discussion, let alone lectures – at breakfast, at dinner, on the decks, etc. – afforded an opportunity to provide clarification and non-threatening discussion, and during the discourse maybe pry open a mind further.

I am grateful for the many MDs that privately spoke of the value of, and the unanimous written support for,  what they heard.  They were those that  wanted more info about how their patients can access Integrative Medicine services, and more training for themselves. Mission accomplished! … More work to do.


Dr. Gannage Wins An Award!

Dr. Gannage was selected as Favourite Complementary MD by National Nutrition Awards for 2018, with the trophy and medal received in March 2019. Says Dr. Gannage:

“I’m proud of the award because, practicing as an integrative medicine physician for 20 years now, I’m well aware of the hard work and challenges that are associated with being a Complementary Medicine MD. Yes, hard work as well as dedication, a great team, patients that teach me … and thick skin when needed. To be considered a favourite is an honour. Thank you National Nutrition Awards.”


Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Neurodevelopment Program: Exciting Updates + FREE Intro Webinar

Introductory webinar available now + new Toronto date announced for Dr. Gannage’s innovative continuing education program!

Dr. Gannage will be presenting his comprehensive educational program, complete with the most recent and relevant medical research on nutritional and environmental influences on neurodevelopment, to practitioners in Vancouver on December 7th, 2019 and in Toronto on February 22nd, 2020.

Several months of rigorous work and extensive research went into the development of this program, which consists of detailed modules on children and environmental medicine, the microbiome and brain health, and nutritional intervention, spanning more than 400 detailed slides.

The program, the only one of its kind, has been approved by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for continuing education credits, an exciting accomplishment and major feat.

Practitioners in the Vancouver and Toronto areas can follow this link to register for Dr. Gannage’s groundbreaking program now!

Anyone who is interested can follow this link to watch Dr. Gannage’s one-hour introductory webinar for free.


Dr. Gannage is a MAPS Fellow!

Dr. Gannage has been a member of MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) for several years, participating in ongoing education and mentorship in the area of Autism Spectrum Disorder and other complex developmental disorders.

Dr. Gannage has recently been awarded MAPS Fellowship in recognition of his extensive training and knowledge in this field.

MAPS Fellows are some of the practitioners with the highest level of expertise in the care of families afflicted by ASD and similarly complex pediatric conditions.

To learn more about Dr. Gannage’s services for families or to request a consultation, please visit our services page.


Dr. Gannage Receives BC Medical License

In addition to continuing to hold an active medical license in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), as of 2021, Dr. Gannage also now holds an active medical license in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC), enabling him to practice medicine in either province.


Mast Cell Instability: Why It Matters: Educational Program Launched at 50th Annual OMT Conference

In May 2021, Dr. Gannage presented Mast Cell Instability: Why It Matters at the 50th annual Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference.

This presentation, rooted in the latest research and further informed by Dr. Gannage’s significant clinical experience, explores the complexity of mast cell activation and how understanding the role of mast cells can lead to better management of chronic, inflammatory conditions.

Our mission is to increase awareness about the role of mast cell instability in chronic illness. If you would like to share this presentation with your practitioner, or if you are a practitioner or an individual and would like to access the program, please contact us to request complimentary access to the presentation recording.