This can be a really good time to try out homeopathy if your child is having difficulties adjusting. Since homeopathy treats the whole person, looking to rebalance things from the inside out, it can be a great natural treatment to try BEFORE issues become out of control. Seeing a homeopath while any issues are more intense can make it easier to find the appropriate remedy for your child as well, since symptoms are intensified and hence easier to observe. Behaviours that parents seek homeopathy for (for their kids) vary from the inability to focus/concentrate, negative behaviour outbursts, excessive introvert/shyness, aggressive or violent behaviour, just to name a few.
If you think your child may need some help adjusting, contact the clinic to see if homeopathy might be a good alternative for you.
Christine is available for homeopathic consultation at MIM. Phone (905)294-2335 to schedule an appointment.