by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Gut Health
The Gut – Brain Connection Dr Gannage’s Note: I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Dr. Klemm, who I am confident will be a valuable asset to the clinical team at MIM. In her blog today she explores the Gut – Brain Axis, which continues to be a...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, General Wellness
I’m pushing 50 years old. In 1-1/3 years, I’m at the half-century mark. Hard to believe. I received a “compliment” the other day from a patient at the Clinic. His words were: “Geez if you get any thinner (more fit?) you’ll have...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Nutrition
Reduce Spring Allergy by Changing Your Diet An allergy is an inflammatory immune response triggered by eating certain foods, touching certain substances, or inhaling an irritant such as pollen. When the body encounters a foreign substance, it can react by making...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Detoxification
Your Liver – Your Detox Factory: Phase 2 This week we continue the discussion about detoxification and liver function. One cannot have a discussion about detoxification without writing about glutathione, of course. Glutathione is likely the most important, most...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Detoxification
Your Liver – Your Detox Factory: Phase 1 Your liver is the most important and most stalwart organ of detoxification in your body. Even when the majority of its mass has been removed, or is compromised with toxic build up, it will continuously process everything...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Nutrition
The Best Way to Identify Food Allergies At Markham Integrative Medicine, patients – adult and pediatric – can opt for food allergy testing as effective strategy for reducing systemic inflammation, reducing toxic build-up in the gut and healing neurological and...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Heart Health, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Integrative Medicine
Understanding the connection between heavy metals and heart disease Our bodies are exposed to environmental heavy metals like lead and mercury from our drinking water, food, dental amalgams, old leaded paints, and sometimes from atmospheric contamination from coal...
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Heart Health, Integrative Medicine
What You May Not Know About Blood Pressure This month, matters of the heart come to mind… Heart disease is STILL a top killer in this country despite better drugs and drug plans, advancements in cardiac surgery and a wider range of rehab and recovery options....
by Dr. John Gannage | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, General Wellness, Nutrition
Nutrition to Save Your (Dry) Skin Our skin is our first line of defense against outside elements and pathogens. Regardless of climate changes, the epidermis or outermost layer of our 20 or so square feet of skin continues to renew itself about every 27 days. This...