Dr. Gannage's Functional Medicine Blog

Read the latest blog posts about functional medicine, integrative health, nutrition, the gut-brain connection, histamine intolerance, detoxification, functional medicine lab testing, and more, from Dr. Gannage, MD. 

POTS & COVID-19: What Are Your Risks?

POTS & COVID-19: What Are Your Risks?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us a list of unexpected health challenges. One of these health complications is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). Research suggests there is an increased risk of developing POTS after COVID-19 infection

Are You Upstream or Downstream?

Are You Upstream or Downstream?

The metaphor that describes the need for an upstream approach to healthcare exemplifies why any functional medicine doctor chooses his/her field. Coined by Irving Zola and made popular in McKinlay's defining paper, "A case for refocusing upstream: The political...

Who Cut the Cheese

Who Cut the Cheese

Can you eat cheese if you have histamine intolerance? This is one of the most common questions I receive. If you’ve been newly diagnosed with histamine intolerance or mast cell activation syndrome, you understand the panic around your new dietary changes. 

Fatty Liver and What to Do About It

Fatty Liver and What to Do About It

Your liver is your largest internal organ. It helps your body to process nutrients and remove waste and toxins from your blood. You may develop fatty liver if there is a fat buildup in your liver.